Sunday, October 31, 2010

Speech Review

      Overall I thought my speech was done well. I had my strengths and also several weaknesses that I can learn and improve on for my next speech. I will start with the things I thought I did well. First off, I thought I knew my points and knew my topic well, so I have good points to talk about. By knowing my points and steps to my speech, my speech was able to flow smoothly. The smoother the speech goes, the easier it is for the audience to understand and follow. Another thing I thought I did well was projecting my voice and talk loud. It is critical that you audience can hear your voice all the way from the front of the room to the back. Its no good if you are giving a speech and your audience misses a crucial point or step because you are speaking to quietly and the audience cannot hear you.  These are some of the things I did well during my speech.
            There are also several things I can improve on to make my next speech better.  I have to not talk so fast during my speech and slow my points down. I got going a little too fast on my speeches and therefore some of my points were not said very clear. This can be improved on my staying calm and not getting nervous in front of the audience.  Similar to slowing down my talking I have to try and not stutter on some of my points. This makes the speech less clear on points I am trying to get across. This can also be solved my not getting nervous and taking a deep breathe before giving my speech.
            I am going to take what I did good on this speech and what I can improve on from this speech and use the towards my next speech, and hopefully show some improvement. Overall, though I thought this speech went well. 

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