Thursday, December 16, 2010

Response to Megan’s Blog

            In Megan’s blog she talked about a “how to video” that she found online. The video that she chooses to write about was how to perform CPR. She starts off by stating how learning CPR is the very basic first step in becoming a medical student. So, right off the bat she states the relevance of the video. Megan then breaks down and analyzes the speech. She talks about the how video doesn’t really have an introduction or a conclusion, it just starts off right away by saying how to assess the patient. She says the video did a good job of explaining each individual step well and clearly, and that the “dummy” was a good visual aid and helped out with going over the steps.  Megan also talked about how the presenter’s voice made the speech boring to listen too. She said he had a very monotone voice and lacked any excitement, what so ever. The presenter also only went over each step once, when in a “how to speech” it is best to repeat the steps, so it sticks in the audience’s head more. Megan did state that the speech did do a good job of outlaying the proper steps of CPR.
            Overall, Megan did a very good job of analyzing and breaking down this, how to give CPR demonstration speech. She did a good job of breaking the speech down and commenting on the little things that make up a good “how to speech”. She did a very good job out outlying and stating the good and the bad points of the speech.  Explained what the presenter did well and what he needed to improve on. In general, Megan did a good job on breaking down this “how to teach CPR” speech. 

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