Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Response to Laurel's Blog

In her blog, Laurel talking about weather or not people’s organs should be allowed to be sold on the free market. This is a very controversial topic, and Laurel did a very good job explaining all of the detail that is involved with organ donation. She outlined both the positive and negative of organ donation. Her opinion on the topic is that organ selling on the free market place should be legal. Her main point behind her opinion was that it would help save many people’s lives. The idea that the more opportunity that someone who is in dire need for an organ is much greater to receive one if they are available on the free market place, just because of the fact that there are more available. This would help save many people’s lives. Her other point that favored organs being allowed to be sold on the free market, was that is it the individual’s right what they want to do with their own body parts.
 To me both of these points make a lot of sense. For some people there are long waiting lists for organs, which these people need to survive and by having them being sold on the free market, this will allow more availability for these people to get the organs that they need. Overall Laurel’s blog was well written, she did a good job of outlining the scenario and then giving details about the situation. She then expressed her views and thoughts well and clearly This blog was easy to read and respond..

Euthanasia: Ethics and Medicine

In our society on of the most discussed topics is the idea of Euthanasia. Euthanasia is when you kill someone that is extremely ill and is suffering in major pain that does not have a good chance of living anymore. This is widely discussed in the areas of medicine and ethics. A lot of people disagree with the idea of killing a person who is still alive, but on the other hand people say that a person should not have to suffer through such dramatic pain, if they have no hope in living much longer. I feel the side about keeping someone alive as long as possible goes under the radar a bit. You only get to live life once so you should be able to live as long as possible no matter what. There has also been dramatic cases where people incredibly get better when they are on the verge of dying. There is something to be said about the power of hope and believing. The BBC has an article that outlines points against euthanasia. These points are as follows: life is sacred, it devalues life, it is against the will of god, gives too much power to the doctors, and that it will be over used and abused. Another article from the New York Times argues for Euthanasia saying that no one should live through aments’ pain, and also that someone should have the right to choose what they want for themselves. All of these are really good points. However, I feel the best way to go is against euthanasia for the two reasons that life is too valuable to end sooner then its suppose to, and also people can make remarkable comebacks from being extremely sick.